Read these testimonials from your fellow Trojan transfers, as they share their journeys to success and belonging on campus. Self Reflection Activities: 1. Read Greater Good and reflect on the testimonials above. 2. In any handy notebook, describe how you form connections with peers, classmates, and professors–either to ask for help with specific problems or […]
#Conversation: The Writing Center
The USC Writing Center is a free service where you can enter into conversations that advance your writing projects, lead to new discoveries, and transform your understanding of issues that matter to you. In this video, meet the Writing Center Director and a Writing Center consultant who was a transfer student herself. Self Reflection Activity: […]
#Explore: Academic Honors & Fellowships
Watch this video to explore opportunities for taking your education beyond USC and being funded for it. In this video, a USC transfer student explains how he has benefitted from USC’s many opportunities through the Office of Academic Honors and Fellowships. Self Reflection Activities: 1. Explore AHF’s databases to find an award or fellowship you might […]
#GivingBack: The Volunteer Center
Watch this Volunteer Center video to contemplate the role that meaningful volunteerism can play in your life on campus and beyond. Watch video Read The Onion article featured in the video Self Reflection Activities: Spend a few minutes reflecting on the Volunteer Center video. Do some journaling in which you consider the following questions: What […]
#RoutinesYouValue: Kortschak Center
Watch this video to discover Kortschak Center resources that can help you identify your core values and build a routine that prioritizes those values and puts them into action. Self Reflection Activity: