Graduate students at USC, who make up 57% of the student population, venture to become the world’s most leading innovators, educators, leaders, and community organizers. Through research, assistantships, fellowships, and more, Trojan Grads are pursuing professional endeavors in the industry and academia to become pioneers in their varying fields of interest.
Below are various resources to assist you as you navigate graduate school studies.
Graduate Student Government
The mission of USC’s Graduate Student Government (GSG) is to enhance the graduate and professional student experience by serving as the face of the student body.
- Grants
- Conference & Travel Grants: Provides partial reimbursement for expenses incurred by traveling to conferences that are related to the student’s major field of study.
- Childcare Subsidy Grants Program: Provides a limited number of awards in the amount of $1,400 to assist eligible student parents with the cost of childcare.
- Emergency Fund Program: This fund is designed to help students with unforeseen expenses arising from a crisis.
- Legal Services: Legal counseling is every Monday from 3:00-9:00pm and each appointment is 30 minutes. Registration needed.
- Graduate Research Symposium: The Annual Graduate Research Symposium showcases research produced by USC graduate students from all disciplines, across both the UPC and HSC campuses.
- GSG Newsletters
Learning Resources
- USC Graduate Admissions
- USC Graduate School
- Handbook for Teaching Assistants, Research Assistants, and Graduate Assistant Lecturers
Research & Experiential Learning
- USC Research Centers: Graduate students can search for research projects and opportunities with faculty members at several USC research centers utilizing this database
- The Office of Research: Building interdisciplinary research collaborations that address societal needs and by increasing the impact and prominence of our research.
- USC Society of Fellows in the Humanities: An interdisciplinary community that supports advanced research by postdoctoral fellows and faculty members, promoting intellectual exchange and interdisciplinary approaches to research and teaching in the humanities and humanistic social sciences.
- Fellowship Boot Camp: A10-day intensive writing workshop in which students complete an application for one of the following major national awards. While involved with the boot camp, participants receive a $1,000 stipend for housing and other expenses.
- National Science Foundation, Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Ford Foundation Pre-Doctoral Fellowship
- Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans
- Proposal Review Clinic: Each fall, the Graduate School organizes faculty-led proposal review clinics for PhD students who intend to apply for major national awards.
Support Resources
- Appeal Panel Guidelines: A Graduate School Dismissal Appeal provides the final consideration of a student’s dismissal from a graduate program when the dismissal has been upheld by the program and dean of the relevant school
- Asian Pacific Graduate Student Assembly (APGSA)
- Black Graduate Student Network (BGSN)
- Latino Graduate Student Association (LGSA)
- Queer Graduate Alliance (QGA)